Let’s face it, there are a LOT of settings in the Settings app. Finding the one you want can be tough. Siri can help!
For example… want to see the settings for Safari? Just say “Show me Safari settings” and voilá, there they are.

Same thing with iCloud settings:

Siri isn’t limited to helping with Apple apps. It can help you, for example, with the settings for Google Maps, like so:

Notice how there’s no “perfect” way to phrase your request– you can ask Siri to “show preferences,” or “open settings,”, or “open preferences” for the app in question. There are probably other phrases that work.
Regardless of the exact phrasing you use, being able to go directly to the settings you care about will save you a ton of time. Try it and see!
Copyright 2008-2024 Christian Boyce. All rights reserved.
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