Last week I wanted directions home and when I asked Siri for them she had me getting onto the freeway for most of the trip. I wasn’t in the mood for freeway driving so I took a wild guess and said “Give me directions to my house, without freeways”… and it worked!
There’s a lesson here: experiment! Siri is continually improving, so if your experiment doesn’t work today, try it again in a month. Asking for driving directions without freeways was just a guess– but it worked! Try it yourself. And take the scenic route.
Note: with Siri, it pays to try phrasing things a couple of ways before giving up. For example, if I had asked for “Directions to my house– on the scenic route” it would not have worked. But asking for “Directions to my house, without freeways” did. I got it on the first guess but if I hadn’t, I would have kept guessing. You should too.
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