Five Handy iPhone Calculator Tips

Your iPhone has a built-in calculator and it’s really useful. Here are five tips that make it even more useful.

Your iPhone has a built-in calculator and it’s really useful. Here are five tips that make it even more useful. (Can’t find it? Do a search– swipe down on any Home screen and type in a little of what you’re looking for.)

Turn the Calculator sideways (more functions, more digits, memory, parentheses)

If you use the Calculator while holding the iPhone vertically you get a very basic– yet very useful– calculator.

iPhone Calculator, vertical orientation
iPhone Calculator, vertical orientation

But if you use the Calculator while holding the iPhone sideways you get so much more:

  • More digits
  • More functions
  • Memory tools
  • Parentheses
More digits: seven more
More functions (actually, you don't get any functions when the Calculator is vertical)
More functions
Memory tools
Memory tools
You get parentheses when you turn the Calculator sideways

Swipe from right to left to erase

Swipe from right to left to delete a digit at a time
Swipe from right to left to delete a digit at a time

Tap and hold to Copy, Paste, or Speak

Copy, Paste, or Speak the result
Copy, Paste, or Speak the result

Put the Calculator into Control Center

Put the Calculator into the Control Center for easy access
Put the Calculator into the Control Center for easy access

You can learn all about customizing the Control Center in this article.

Launch the Calculator with Siri

Ask Siri to launch the Calculator
Ask Siri to launch the Calculator

All you have to do is ask!

Copyright 2008-2024 Christian Boyce. All rights reserved.

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Christian Boyce

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