Ever get a voicemail that you want someone else to hear? Something silly, or something crazy, or something better handled by someone else? A voicemail on an iPhone can be forwarded as a text message or as an email attachment in just a couple of taps. Here’s how you do it.
1. Go to the voicemail you want to forward, and tap it so it looks like this:
2. Tap the Share button
3. Choose a method for sharing
You can use Messages, you can use Mail, you can even use AirDrop.
Messages and Mail image

When the recipient receives your message he’ll be able to tap it and play it. Simple as that. (Test by sending one of your voicemails to yourself, via Mail.)
On a Mac, in Mail, the voicemail will look like this:
Bonus Tip: if you have a voicemail you want to save forever, forward it to yourself via email so you’ll always have it. When you get the email you can save the attachment to your desktop or anywhere else you wish.
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