Siri Tip of the Day: Translate

Use Siri to translate from nine foreign languages into English. See the translation, and hear it also. It’s as easy as “How do you say…”


Translate words and phrases into other languages using Siri. It’s easy when you know how, and here’s how:

Just say “How do you say…” and then the words you want to translate and then “… in Spanish.” Or “… in French.” Or “… in German.” (Or one of several other languages.) For example:

How do you say “Where is the bathroom” in Spanish?

Siri: How do you say “Where is the bathroom” in Spanish?

You’ll see the translation written out, and also spoken. Want to hear it again? Tap the “play” button at the right of the translation.

Or… how do you say “Where is the nearest train station” in French?

Siri: How do you say “Where is the nearest train station” in French?

Or… how do you say “I would like three pretzels with mustard” in German?

Siri: How do you say “I would like three pretzels with mustard” in German?

Not sure which language to translate into? Just ask “How do you say…” and then your phrase, but don’t specify a language to translate into. Then, choose a language from the list that appears. For example:

Siri: How do you say “I love you”

(If you scroll you’ll see that Siri also knows Mandarin Chinese.)

Tap a language and see the result.

How to say “I love you” in Russian

Speaking of Russian, here’s a phrase that may have, possibly, come in handy for some people recently:

Siri: how do you say “Could you help me get elected” in Russian

Want to go in the other direction– Spanish to English, or French to English, or German to English, or (whatever) to English? Sorry, Siri can’t do that. Not right now. (Technically Siri CAN do that, but you’d have to set the Siri language to Spanish, or French, or German, or whatever, and that messes up other things, so for now, the answer is “Sorry, Siri can’t do that.”)

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